Friday 9 October 2015

Illegal sand mining in Narmada in Madhya Pradesh

The photographs gives a glimpse into the extent of illegal mining in India. That's the photograph of Narmada river.

People in boats, in trolleys, on foot, they are all taking sand from the river bed.

After National Green Tribunal (NGT) put a ban on illegal mining, the trucks were stopped.

Hence, people began excavating sand and transporting it in tractor-trolleys and boats. Hundreds of boats are engaged in the task. The sand is then transported to big cities.

This is the photo from Chhipaner in Sehore district of Madhya Pradesh. Mr Santosh Rajput has clicked it. It shows what we are doing to our rivers, our ecology.

The sand miners have the support of the powerful politicians and that's the reason, despite orders of courts and tribunal, directives by government and ministers, nothing stops it.