Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Women's World: Where was this photograph taken?

Women's world: This photograph was published recently in a newspaper. Wish, it had the photographer's by-line (name).

Where was this photograph clicked? Women all around--they are on foot, they are riding two-wheelers. When I posted it on Facebook and Twitter, there were lot of comments.

A lady wrote, that it was a utopian world, where women took the lead and did everything. Some even felt it was a photo-shopped image.

That's actually a photograph from Khargone, the western MP town, which witnessed communal violence. The administration clamped curfew.

Later, when relaxation was given, women were allowed to go out for two hours, to buy vegetables, milk and other goods. And, it was published in Dainik Bhaskar. If someone knows the photographer's photo, I would be happy to add his name here as credit is due.