Friday 1 April 2016

Someday I may sit in this fascinating railways trolley and roll down towards horizon

There is a certain romance associated with railways.

In childhood, everything about trains fascinated [me and many other kids of my age].

One would ask elders questions about everything, from the unusual looking coaches to switches, the trains and the chains, everything.

The sight of a trolley moving fast on the railway line beside your train's track was the most fascinating, one. Yes, I liked them more than aero-planes or jets. I still don't know why.

The staff would push it for a while and it would gather momentum in no time, seeming to run without any engine, often outpacing the slowly moving train at the outer.

Even today, I am yet to come out of this fixation. I liked the engine, the guards' bogey in passenger train and wanted to get into them. I could do all that by the time was a teenager.

Travelling in the guards' bogey for hours, in a hot summer, with hardly any water, was an experience. But I am yet to sit on this track inspection trolley-van. May be, one day, I would be there too.